Wednesday, 11 June 2014


Your Love Life
FROM www.

The angels can help you with romance, whether you’re in a committed relationship or single. If you’re looking for your soul mate, the “romance angels” can help you find your special someone. A powerful method for invoking the angels’ help is to find a quiet location where you won’t be interrupted, and write a letter that starts like this:
Dear Guardian Angels of My Soul Mate,
Then, pour out your heart to these angels in the body of the letter. It doesn't matter whether you know who your soul mate is, because the angels do. Then conclude the letter by saying something like:
I know that my soul mate is looking for me with the same fervor as I am looking for him/her. Thank you for guiding us to meet, love, and experience a joyful and harmonious relationship based upon mutual respect, integrity, shared interests, and passionate romance. Thank you for clearly guiding me in ways that I can easily understand so that I may enjoy this relationship now.
The romance angels can also infuse new passion into existing relationships. Ask them to help you and your partner recover your playful side, which is an important ingredient of romance. The angels say that many couples become overly focused on work and responsibilities, and they need to make time for playful and loving interactions. The romance angels can help you find time for this important endeavor, and also give you the energy to carry through.  GET MORE AT

Wednesday, 28 May 2014

HELP ME to THANK GOD OOOO THEY ATTACKED ME BETWEEN 2.30am to 4.30am this morning. They came into my room, I was sleeping when I heard their sound as they entered, I quickly woke up & one of them ran 2wards me 2 attack me, I had a weapon in my room & I had no choice but to use it to defend myself. I quickly struck one wit it, d second 1 ran towards me & we wrestled. "Is this really happening 2 me?"I thought 2 myself within half a second. My neighbors were in their rooms hearing d chaotic sound that was emerging 4rm my room. They wondered what was wrong wit me. Finally I succeeded wit d 2nd 1, I looked @ my hands & I was stained wit blood, I looked at them on d floor & I saw one still moving, so I struck again in anger & hit him hard again & behold, i murdered 2 giant mosquitoes that attempted to suck my blood ooo.. 

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Friday, 19 July 2013

The Love Game - Masculine Women Feminine Men

By Yangki Christine Akiteng, Love Doctor 

What happens when men don't act masculine and women don't act feminine?

But first, what is masculine and what is feminine?

Masculine and feminine are terms often equated with the biological equivalent of male and female, or social equivalent of man and woman. But in realty, the distinction between masculine and feminine goes far beyond biological, psychological and psychosexual constructs. It transcends cultural, religious and societal notions of male and female, man and woman. 

The masculine and feminine, the yin and yang, the anima and animus by definition are consciousness or energies we each possess in equal amounts -- men and woman alike. Each of these energies is like one side of a coin. Neither is more or less important than the other - they both are very necessary dimensions of our human be-ingness. 

Each of us, men and woman alike can (and often do) express these two energies; only the emphasis, degree, quantity and relation to each other are different. Masculine energy is primarily emphasized in how we operate our outer world and primarily expressed by action, force, movement and firmness. Feminine energy on the other hand, is primarily pronounced in how we operate our inner world and primarily expressed by fluidity, creativity, sensitivity, introspection, and nurturing. 

The quantity of energy we express (at any one time) bestows on us a masculine or feminine persona/traits. The family, culture, religion and society we're raised in greatly influences which energy we express more of, when and how. 

Traditionally, boys who are naturally physically stronger and more physically adept are often encouraged to express more of the masculine energy serving to reinforce a sense of masculinity. We see this abundance of masculine energy out on the playground with little boys kicking things and pushing one another, challenging and expanding their outer world. Battles over who is stronger and more physically adept further serve to reinforce their sense of masculinity. 

A man (or woman) whose sense of masculinity is not fully developed or is weak, is unable to take lead, to direct, to trust himself, to take risks and to move into the world around him with self-confidence. He has lots of fears and doubts; fears and doubts about himself and his ability to operate his outer world. But most importantly, he is afraid to put himself out there because he somehow thinks his lack of "masculinity" will be obvious to others. In some instances he'll put on a "macho" persona to mask his fears and doubts.

Most families, cultures, religions and societies on the other hand encourage girls to express more of the feminine energy serving to reinforce a sense of femininity. We see this abundance of feminine energy in little girls found sitting around grooming each other, relating intimately and showing concern for each other's feelings and well-being.

A woman (or man) whose sense of femininity is not fully developed or is weak, is selfish and self-seeking. Instead of creating a safe, supportive and nurturing space, she controls and interferes with the lives of others (especially the man in her life). She has a hard time allowing others (spouse, children and close social networks) choose their own obligations and own path or direction in life without being manipulated or hindered by her. She's more concerned with her own well-being than the well-being of others.

Masculine energy though encouraged in women and more expressed by men must also exist in a woman for that woman to be well adjusted and balanced. Likewise, feminine energy though encouraged in women and more expressed by women must also exist in a man for that man to be well adjusted and balanced. An imbalanced and disharmony in our masculine and feminine energies can have enormous consequences on a variety of levels. 

When our masculine and feminine energies are not complementing each other but are instead interfering with one another, we feel confusion and unrest, incompleteness and a disconnection within ourselves and with out outer world (including our relationships with others). But when the energies are well adjusted and harmoniously balanced we feel more connected, in harmony, at peace and whole within ourselves and with out outer world (including our relationships with others).

Masculine energy without the feminine energy to balance it off can cause a person to be cold, insensitive and emotionally closed off, reckless, wasteful, overly critical and aggressive (even physically violent). Most men and women who express too much of the masculine energy find themselves too outwardly-focused and out of synch with their own deepest feelings and the feelings of others because they lack that feminine energy that drives fluidity, creativity, sensitivity, introspection, supportiveness and nurturing.

Feminine energy without the masculine energy to balance it off can cause a person to be too timid, too passive, superficial, compliant, clingy and needy, unable to make decisions, overly dependent, vulnerable to exploitation and abuse. Most men and women who express too much of the feminine energy find themselves too inwardly-focused and unable to move forward in their lives. They stop engaging and challenging their outer worlds and instead go too far into their inner worlds and sometimes find themselves stuck because they lack that masculine energy that drives action, force, movement and firmness.

Men and women must express both aspects of these energies if they want to live happy, productive and fulfilling lives all by ourselves or with a partner. 

Once you begin to think about this and look at life with the acknowledge that both energies are operating within you, you will appreciate your own dual conciseness more. As a man, you can afford to express your feminine energy without feeling a threat to your masculinity because your masculinity is already strong and developed. And as a woman, you can afford to express your masculine energy without feeling a threat to your femininity because your femininity is already strong and developed.


Monday, 15 July 2013


Sweetvine has been taking his time doing what he knows how to do best. He has been working hard to give you the best. Here are beat samples from sweet Music Recording studios produced by Sweetvine in His studio at Adetayo Osho Akoka Lagos

Download from Hulshare


For studio Inquiry

Music Production,
Voice Over
Mastering, Mixing
Graphix, Photo shoot

Contact us with this number: 08136978505

Hulshare BEAT SAMPLES download link:

Monday, 15 April 2013

I KNEW IT!!!! Welcome to Play/download BELINDA by Sweetvine page. To know Why You should Listen to Belinda By Sweetvine Click Here

This is the first Singles of the year 2013 by Sweetvine and A Song you should love to listen to CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD
 When you do.... contact us on 08136978505 to say Thank YOU!!! WOW!!


Sweetvine is a contemporary singer-song writer, musician, record producer, motivational speaker and Actor. Full of Vibrations and 

For your inquiry, booking, music production and promotion etc call 08136978505 and/or 08071499243

Tuesday, 2 April 2013

Go cheek to whisker at Argentina’s Lujan Zoo

The wisdom—and track record—of the zoo is hotly debated

Many of the animals here are former illegal house pets that are given to the zoo after outgrowing their homes. Image by Zoo De Lujan
With the weather getting warmer, it’s time to get back outside and reconnect with the wildlife—and no place will let you get closer to the wildest of wild things than Lujan Zoo in Argentina. Located just outside Buenos Aires, Lujan Zoo provides zoogoers the opportunity to bottle feed a bear, cuddle a tiger, or rub noses with a lion, and, if these pictures are accurate, walk away un-mauled. While many visitors assert the animals are clearly drugged, the zoo insists the tameness is entirely natural, a product of raising each cub from birth and teaching them to be calm, permissive, and uninterested in eating humans. Since opening in 1994, there have been no reports of unexpected predation, but whether that perfect record is due to good training, luck, or bribery of authorities is hotly debated.  Check out this extreme petting zoo below, and remember, the Lujan Zoo is one of the only places in the world where you can pet wild animals, an extremely dangerous activity that you should not take lightly and should never try outside the confines of such facilities.

The zoo says that, in addition to training, keeping the animals constantly fed helps to maintain calm passivity. Image by Zoo De Lujan Con Las Superguias

Lujan Zoo received these brown bears when they were just two months old. Now full grown, the zoo assures they still enjoy bottle feeding, or eating food offered directly from visitors’ mouths. Image by Zoo De Lujan Con Las Superguias

Even tigers need belly rubs. Lujan Zoo currently holds more than 60 of these stripy felines. Image by Zoo De Lujan Con Las Superguias

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Yaba-Lagos Nigeria
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Even though visitors go cheek to whisker with big cats daily, Lujan Zoo has reportedly never had an accident. (While the observant may notice the scratches on this woman’s side, it is unknown where they came from.) Image by Zoo De Lujan Con Las Superguias

Not all residents are furry. Lujan Zoo hosts two female elephants in addition to a wide variety of reptiles and birds. Image by Zoo De Lujan Con Las Superguias

If you’re not one to trust a tiger, Lujan Zoo does offer tamer fare, such as camel and pony rides. Image by A. Pereira

Lujan Zoo has animals of all ages and welcomes humans of all ages. Children under 12 are admitted at a reduced rate and those under 2 get in free. Image by Zoo De Lujan Con Las Superguias

11 days ago Someone said : There's no way that these animals are not drugged in some sort of way. And who the hell would put there child in a cage of lions, cubs or no cubs. Stupid human's: 
............Did You Agree?

Get quality affordable Music Studios with top 
Master-mixing by Sweetvine producer today at

Sweet Music Recording Studios
Yaba-Lagos Nigeria
Tel: 08136978505, 08071499243

I missed D'Banj - Don Jazzy Confesses

The split between two former co-label owners of Mohits Records; D’Banj and Don Jazzy, will be a year old in few weeks time. Their going-apart is still one of the most talked about in the Nigerian music industry.
Even almost a year after, people still talk about their split like it happened yesterday. Both parties have floated their own music labels: Mavin Records and DB Records; Don Jazzy and D’Banj respectively and have moved on with their lives.
At the AY Show held last night in Lagos, while answering questions on the red carpet, Don Jazzy confessed that he missed D’Banj.
The Delta State multi-award winning beats maker said, “D’Banj is doing well wherever he is. You’re putting words in my mouth; yes, but of course, I miss him.”